Thursday, July 31, 2008

=>Mobile Phone Glossary(2)

CLDC J2ME Connected Limited Device Configuration. The CLDC serves the market consisting of personal, mobile, connected information devices. This configuration includes some new classes designed specifically to fit the needs of small-footprint devices. Communicator A generic name for information centric mobile phones. In effect a fully featured personal digital assistant and mobile phone in one unit. The Nokia 9210 Communicator is an example of such a Symbian OS phone. Content Provider A company that provides services to mobile phone users or network operators. These services could be shopping, web surfing, chat rooms, playing games, accessing data such as music and books through a server. Crystal Code-name for a half VGA reference design for Symbian OS.
Digital AMPS (Digital-Advanced Mobile Phone Service) is the digital wireless standard widely used throughout the Americas, Asia Pacific and other areas. D-AMPS uses digital TDMA on the one hand, and is required to be compatible with installed AMPS base station networks on the other. D-AMPS operates on the 800 and 1900 MHz bands.
DCS 1800
Digital Communications System: another name for GSM working on a radio frequency of 1800 MHz. Also known as GSM1800 or PCN, this digital network operates in Europe and Asia Pacific. Digital A way of encoding information. On digital networks, data doesn't need to go though the extra step of being converted to an analog signal, voice is sampled and coded in a way similar to how it is recorded on a CD. Digital networks are fast replacing analog ones as they offer improved sound quality, secure transmission and can handle data directly as well as voice. Digital networks include mobile systems GSM, D-AMPS, CDMA, TDMA and UMTS. Dual band Dual band mobile phones can work on networks that operate on different frequency bands. This is useful if you move between areas covered by different networks. Some networks operate on two bands, for instance GSM-1800 in town centers and GSM-900 in the rest of the country.
Dual mode Dual mode mobile phones have more than one air interface and hence can work on more than one network. One example is phones that operate on both digital and analog networks. They are quite useful if you want the advantages of a digital phone, but regularly visit areas where analog is the only service available.

Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution. An enhanced modulation technique designed to increase network capacity and data rates in GSM networks. EDGE should provide data rates up to 384 Kbps. EDGE will let operators without a 3G license to compete with 3G networks offering similar data services. EDGE is not expected before 2001 at the earliest.
EPOC Deprecated term. Refer to Symbian OS.

Extended Total Access Communications System: a 1G mobile phone network developed in the UK and available in Europe and Asia.
FCT Fixed Cellular Terminal - also known as : GSM Gateway, GSM Modem, GSM Router, Mobile Gateway, channel bank, GSM channel Bank, ISDN GSM Gateway, analogue GSM gateway.

Fixed Cellular Terminal Mobile
Device that allows fixed telephony devices such as PBX Telephone Systems to connect directly to the GSM Mobile Phone Network - This may be to allow PBX users to call colleages on their mobiles free of charge, or call other mobile users at reduced rates (depending upon available tariffs) - or for use in remote offices where no fixed line services are available (eg building site / remote monitoring post) - for landline substitution then Fixed Cellular Terminals are available that can provide voice, fax and data over the GSM network such as the Ericsson F251m .